The Ultimate Common App Essay Writing Guide

How to create powerful Common App Essays? Where can you get guidance on creating common app college essays or university application essays?  

Need common app essays? Want to get the best common app essay writing services? Trust only the best and the experienced common app essay writers available online to create meaningful, catchy, inspiring, and powerful common app essays. 

common app essays

Common app essay writing is truly a big task. For college admission and university applications, essays need to be very strong. The admission will be based on the quality of your essay. The common app is a platform that helps students from almost all parts of the world apply to the top colleges and universities in the USA. It is a great app that simplifies the process of applying to colleges in the USA and other countries too. if you are considering applying to an undergrad college course at one of the leading universities, then there is no better option than Common App. 

How To Write Common App Essays?

But, yes, creating the common app essay will be challenging. The students will have to select one essay topic and create a wonderful essay on it. It shall be a personal narrative. It shall be unique. it shall describe some exceptionally wonderful qualities that you possess as a person, a student, and a creative learner. 

Common App Essays For 2024-2025

Check out common app essays for 2024-2025 here. On the official website of the common app, you will find seven essays. Pick one that relates perfectly well to you. You will have the option to create an essay on any topic you want. but, wait, that should be the last resort not the first. You should select only one of the first six essay prompts. Think of what you can best describe about yourself and fulfill the essay requirements. 

Ultimate Common App Essay Writing Guide

Here is the ultimate common app essay writing guide for you. Get assistance in creating your common app college admission essay or university application essay online. 

Are common app essays required for college admission in the USA?

Yes, if you are applying to colleges in the USA using a common app, then it is important that you first create your common app essay. Each college will have its own specific set of essay prompts as well which you may have to submit. once you sign up for the common app, you get the essay prompts to pick from. 

Get to know more about common application here. 

How many colleges can I apply to using Common App?

You can apply to as many as 10 colleges or universities that are a part of the common app community. 

Can I submit university admission essays or college application essays using a common app platform?

Please, check out colleges or universities that allow you to do this. 

Shall my common app essay have a personal story?

You must create a good and convincing personal story that reflects your personality effectively. 

Shall my Common App essay reflect my own experiences?

Absolutely, yes, it shall reflect your own experiences. Think of things you are proud of, a club activity, a summer camp, a hiking experience, an adventure in the jungle, community service, or anything that you can describe and that also forms a good achievement. 

common app essays writing services

Why my common app essay should be unique?

It has to be unique since it will checked for quality by experts. Plus, in today's age of ChatGPT and other AI writing tools, universities, institutions, and colleges take strict measures, and employ new advanced techniques to detect plagiarism in application essays. 

Can I create my common app essay using an AI Writing Tool?

AI Writing tools are good for getting some inspiration but using the tool to create the complete content, or taking the output produced by the AI writing tool for your essay is not recommended. 

Does AI-generated Common App Essay come under plagiarism?

Yes, AI-generated common app essays also come under plagiarism. If you create your essay for a common app and check it for plagiarism using reputed plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin or others, it might show you that the content is pulled from the AI tool. 

How can I create my common app essay?

to create your common app essay, you need to have good writing skills. If you are good at writing and presenting your thoughts then it will be easy for you. If you are not sure of your writing skills, seek common app essay writing help from experts.

Is a common app essay a self-reflection essay?

A common app essay can be a self-reflection essay or it can not be. it might depend upon the type of essay prompt that you select. whatever the essay title that you select it is good to describe some amazingly wonderful experience. 

Remember, the essay will be about personal growth, how you as a student have transformed yourself, what has helped bring a positive change in you, and what has motivated you to pursue bigger challenges. 

What are common app essay themes?

Some of the Common app essay themes are as follows:

  • Community contributions 
  • Role models who inspire you
  • Ways you have overcome stereotypes
  • Advertisities you have ever faced and such adversities transformed you
  • Moral dilemma 
  • Gratitude
  • Multicultural awareness
  • Creativity in resolving the problems
  • Innovation to overcome community problems 
  • Failures and their impact on you and lessons you have learned from failures 
  • leadership roles you have played
  • Core aspects of humanitarianism, volunteering, or other similar community services that shaped you. 
common app essay writers

Can I discuss aspects of my own native culture in the essay?

Yes, of course, you can select the essay prompt that asks for cultural experiences.

You can describe your identity, cultural norms, a cultural society you are a part of and why you are so proud of, what you have done to improve your society. 

Remember the common app essay is all about values that are important to you, and what role they play in your life. Therefore, emphasize some of the core values in the right way. 

Can I describe my passion in a common app essay?

The common app is all about what you are passionate about. Explain what makes you excited, and what you feel more passionate about. 

Can I express my future goals in my Common App essay?

Common app essay prompts which specifically are centered on goals and dreams can allow you to talk about your short-term and long-term goals. If you want to talk about your career goals and ways in which you want to contribute to your field of study or work then select a prompt that gives you that option. 

How do I describe the obstacles I have overcome in my Common App essay?

It can be a tough task to describe the obstacles that you must have overcome in your life. To write an essay, first talk about the obstacles you have faced, their significance, their bad impact, or their influence. Then the next step would be to describe a difficult situation that relates to the obstacle. The third step would be to talk about the solution, how you have found the solution, and what you have done to overcome that obstacle. 

Can I talk about failures in my Common App essay?

Yes, you can talk about failures in the common app college admission essay. But, remember, do not just desdcribe the failures in detail. Provide readers the glimpses of failures and then express more about ways in which you dealt with the failures or what you have learned from those failures. This will be difficult but if you can think of creative ways then it will become easy for you to create a powerful admission essay. 

Can I express leadership roles in my Common App college admission essay?

Yes, you can talk about leadership roles in your university admission essay, college application, or common app essay. Describe a situation that demanded exceptional leadership skills. Describe how you played your role as a leader and what you have done for your group, club, community, or society. What was the impact of your leadership? How your leadership helped transformed the situation or inspire others too?

common app essay writing services

Shall my common app essay have elements of empathy?

It is not necessary to integrate the elements of empathy in your common app essay but yes, if your essay prompt demands it then you can. you can demonstrate your understanding of other people's perspectives, their ideas, feelings, and aspirations. 

Can I showcase curiosity in my Common App essay?

All common app essays contain some kind of curiosity. Students who use this elemental feature of curiosity in their college admission essays or university application essays certainly attract the admission officers at the college. 

Will the college admission committee read my Common App essay?

Yes, your college admission committee will be reading your Common App essays. So, make them stronger too. 

Will university applications or admission officers read my Common App essays?

Yes, university applications or admission officers read all the essays they receive from students worldwide. 

Where can I get free common app essays?

You can get free common app essays crafted for the students. But, use these common app essay samples only for your reference. 

Learn more about common essay samples here. 

Where can I find common app essay samples online?

You can find so many common app essay samples online at our site: You can learn more about how the essay should be. 

Where can I get assistance in writing my Common App essay?

You can get assistance in writing your common app essay online by connecting with experienced common app essay writers online. Here, on you can connect with experienced essay writers online who will help you create your essays. We listen to you and craft for you stories you have on your mind. 

Where can I learn to create my common app essays for college admission or university applications in the USA?

Common App Writers provides online, one-to-one essay writing classes to students across the globe. No matter where you are from, if you are using a common app and need assistance in writing your admission essays, then you ought to connect with us now.

Where can I get common app essay writing assistance online?

Get common app essay writing, editing, and proofreading assistance online from We are the leaders in common app essay writing online. 

Where can I get common app essay writing help online in the USA? is your platform where you can get essay writing assistance or help online in the USA. 

Where can I get common app essay writing help online in the United Kingdom?

Connect with the essay writers online at who can provide the necessary help you are seeking to create your essay for the college application or university admission online. 

Where can I find common app essays to download for free?

You can download common app essays for free if you want. Find the essay prompts and get sample answers for the prompts. You can download the essays to learn more bout the essay structure. (write to to get the link for essays to download online)

Are your common app essay writers experienced?

Yes, we are all experienced common app essay writers who have been in the field of writing for over two decades. If you want to achieve the impossible with your common app essay writing, connect with us today. 

Is it a good idea to share gratitude, and show appreciation for other people in the essay?

It is always good. You can include anything good ni your essay. It will be liked by the admission officers. It will show who you are as a person. 

Are common app essays that talk about defying stereotypes or breaking stereotypes are a good choice?

Yes, common app essays that allow you to express ways in which you have defied the stereotypes are always good. You can pick one of such essay prompts. 

Get connected to college application essay writers online. 

How can I express adversity in common app essays?

Pick a specific moment of difficulty, and hardship and describe ways in which such a situation transformed you into the person you are now.

Common App Guide

Get to know more about common app essay writing online from experts. If you need assistance in crafting wonderful essays to inspire then it is time that you rely on us. We can come up with engaging essays for your college admission or university application online.